Elayne Chatillon

Age: 25
Birthplace: Ishgard
Heritage: Noble
Occupation: Thaumaturge, Healer
Alignment: Neutral Good
Likes: Jewelry, fine wine, etiquette
Dislikes: Criminals, grandstanders
Affiliations: Thaumaturge's Guild, Ishgardian Nobility

Elayne is the eldest child of House Chatillon. Her mother met her untimely death during childbirth thus leaving her father Gaël to raise and foster her alone with the aid of servants. Spoiled and showered with affection throughout her early childhood years has left Elayne accustomed to having things her way.Bound to duty, her father remarried to another noblewoman and soon enough a half-sister was brought in to their world. Elayne's new stepmother perceived her as an obstacle to secure their family's wealth and fortune for her own child and thus coerced Gaël to send his daughter to Ul'dah for safety and study to develop her abilities as a promising thaumaturge.Elayne's time in Ul'dah wasn't without its perils as numerous attempts on her life have been made by kidnappers and other scum littering the city's street in pursuit for wealth. Over the years her ego inflated more and more as no one was successful in this endeavor. But along with it came a sense of bitterness as everyone saw the noblewoman as little more than a means to an end to secure their own future.